Réal Fournier (1952 –)

Réal’s life as an artist began in a Québec orphanage. Here he learned how to draw with a friend, a young boy who could draw animals and portraits without models. From an early age, Réal knew that he wanted to be an artist. His youth was spent riding his bike from farm to farm, pencil in hand, sketching for hours on end.

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Inspired by his favourite masters, Gauguin, Cezanne, and Van Gogh, his work was influenced by the emotions of colour. In his spare time, painting outside became a source of enjoyment, and by adulthood this became a great way to relax after over ten years of teaching in a primary school.


In 1988, provoked by a vivid dream, Réal made the decision to dedicate the rest of his life to artistic pursuits. Once this became a reality, Réal’s happiness grew in close correlation with the quality and uniqueness of his art. Alongside this work, he began exploring colour using three-dimensional glasses and ink on glossy paper in order to seek new dimensions. Eventually this resulted in his investigation of how best to integrate painting with his new discovery of 3D work.


The process of making 3D artwork took a long time to develop, but in 2007, Réal was pleased with the results and was ready for his first 3D show in Calgary, Alberta. The show was a success and more exhibitions immediately followed in Quebec, Romania, and Czechoslovakia. Working in 3D helped him to create a new vision, a new way of peering into the depths of how we live and play in our everyday lives.


For many years now, Réal’s compositions have been about the imagination as he transports the viewer into a fantastic universe with an authentic childlike joie de vivre.  The origin of his sketches starts with a question: “Who am I today?” Then, eyes closed, he lets his pen dance on a piece of paper, and only afterwards observes the intertwined lines; from there, he outlines and realizes his drawing. “I now know who I am and what I am looking for: a fourteen-year-old boy who is creating joy in his heart and wants to share it with the world.”


Réal Fournier’s artwork can be found in collections across North America, Europe, and Asia.